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Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai established under the Maharashtra National Law University Act 2014 on 20 March 2014, is one of the premier National Law Universities in India. The MNLU Knowledge Resocurce Centre is an example of excellence regard to services and collection. This is fully computerized Wi-Fi Knowledge Resocurce Centre has on its shelves more than 14, 000 volumes which include a comprehensive array of legal and social sciences resources in both print and electronic formats. MNLU Knowledge Resocurce Centre has subscribed 18 plus E-resources including of “Hein Online, Manupatra, Oxford Competition Law, Oxford Constitutional Law, ORIL-International Law, Westlaw, Taxmann, JSTOR Full package, Lexis-Nexis, EBC Reader, Livelaw, OLRL-Legal Research Library, IC-INVESTMENT CLAIMS, Oxford Law Citator, Proview (E-books), Economic and Political Weekly, and Turnitin-Research Tools. Law Reports" are also available in print forms. The Knowledge Resocurce Centre functions and services are fully automated with state-of-the-art Koha-LMS software and latest RFID/EM technology”.
MNLU- Mumbai Knowledge Resocurce Centre has started various ICT Enabled Library facilities and services, i.e. “ RFID & CCTV Surveillance System, Automated Library with Koha-LMS, WEB-OPAC facility, Remote Log: for Online Resources, Digital Library Resource Center with Multimedia, E-Journals/E-Books, Access National Digital Library, E-ShodhSindhu, E-Shodhganga, Library Web Portal, Research Tools, Circulation Services, Reference and Referral Services, Legal databases services, Current Awareness Services, and Library Orientation Programme etc." The Library are trying to continue updating all knowledge resources and implement the best ICT based library resources services and practices.