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Print Resources

The Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai library is an example of excellence as regard to services and collections. This is fully computerized Wi-Fi library has on its shelves more than 14, 000 volumes which include a comprehensive array of legal resources in both print and electronic formats. This collection include textbooks, reference books, treaties, bare acts, handbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories, commission reports, subordinate legislation. The library has huge resources in the field of law and other allied subjects such as Management, Sociology, Science & Technology, History, Economics, and English Literature. Library’s e-resources include Online version of “Hein Online, Manupatra, Oxford Competition Law, Oxford Constitutional Law, ORIL-International Law, Westlaw, Taxmann, JSTOR Full package, Lexis Nexis, EBC Reader, Livelaw, OLRL-LEGAL RESEARCH LIBRARY, IC-INVESTMENT CLAIMS, Oxford Law Citator, Proview (E-books), Economic and Political Weekly. The Law Reports" are available in also print forms etc

• List of Subscribed Journals (print)

• List Of Magazines

• List Of Bare Acts

• Donated Collections