Welcome to Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai (MNLU Mumbai)
Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai (for short MNLU Mumbai) is the latest of the National Law Schools established in India. The Maharashtra National Law University Act 2014 was passed by Maharashtra State Legislature under the Maharashtra Act No. VI of 2014 on 20th March 2014. The Act envisages to establish and incorporate National Law Universities in the State for the development and advancement of legal education and for the purposes of imparting specialized and systematic instruction, training and research in systems of law and for the matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
The object of the university is to advance and disseminate learning and knowledge of law and legal processes and their role in national development, to develop in the students and research scholars, a sense of responsibility, to serve society in the field of law by developing skills in regard to advocacy, legal services, legislation, law reforms and the like; to organize lectures, seminars, symposia and conferences to promote efficient instruments of social development.
In order to advance the set goals, MNLU Mumbai aspires to develop an active partnership with eminent law teachers, distinguished judges, leading lawyers and corporate conglomerates and foster to the claims of development in harmony with the changing society. MNLU Mumbai is assuming to cherish a very modest beginning. The vision is clear and the initial efforts are accelerated.
To catch to the demands of time, MNLU Mumbai is fortunate to find its temporary space in the internationally reputed (seat of social sciences) campus i.e. Tata Institute of Social Sciences, at Deonar, Chembur Mumbai. In return to the good gesture arrangement, TISS Mumbai has many expectations from MNLU Mumbai in terms of discipline, quality justice education, and excellence in legal scholarship to flower out from their academic environment and support services. The responsibility of every member of MNLU Mumbai (both faculty and students in particular) thus are double fold: one, to raise beyond the expectations of TISS and secondly, to develop MNLU Mumbai the destination for legal scholarship from across the nation and the globe. MNLU Mumbai will remain conscious of the responsibilities and vigilant of the duties all the time.
The first batch of students will be taking admissions with effect from 2015. There are many advantages of being the first batch students of any Institution of excellence – each one of them shall be the brand ambassador of the institute at the same time there shall have to conjure many challenges in exploring everything new within the institution. A lot more learning from sacrifices with wide scope to partake in institution building, shaping of career and courses and contributing to the world from the day one always await for them.
MNLU, Mumbai aspires to exploit the inherent academic strength from the vitality of legal fort of Bombay City. The long standings of experience and aspirations of lawyers, judges and knowledge society at large in the State of Maharashtra are being explored. There are many young law scholars with masters and research degrees in hand from foreign universities wishing to collaborate. MNLU Mumbai aims to tap and cultivate the innate potential of ‘the financial capital of India’ in order to provide platform to the students to write their own goals and in turn contribute as partners with value based global leadership.
Driven by the credo ‘ rule of law - knowledge society ’ and becoming a part of the national law university fraternity, MNLU Mumbai is committed to collaborate with all such academia to cherish the goals of the institution. MNLU Mumbai is garnering resources to mobilize all such facilities to cater to good class rooms, hostels for boys and girls, Moot Court hall, library and reading room. The institutional efforts shall always be to provide a learning environment encouraging to promote students’ cognitive and social development. The students will find opportunity to focus on redefining legal education to better the meaning of learning process. MNLU Mumbai shall strive to foster a spirit that seeks excellence.
MNLU Mumbai for the year 2015 has started with B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)[Five-Year integrated UG Program] with credit transfer system, having 50% seats reserved as per the Maharashtra State Reservation Policy plus 10 Foreign/ NRI seats. First batch of students were selected through a national level admission test, MNLUAT 2015. Only the brightest among the 3000 odd applicants could secure admission to 61 undergraduate and 8 postgraduate seats. In order to obtain the degree in B.A., LL.B (Hons.) a student is required to score 200 credits by pursuing the mandatory subjects as prescribed by the Bar Council of India and other elective courses offered by the University.
One-year duration LL.M. course, with specialisation in ‘Legal Pedagogy & Research’ is offered for the year 2015-16. MNLU Mumbai wishes to develop
its faculty from among the students of PG Course, and with that expectation the specialisation in Law Teaching and Research is considered.
MNLU Mumbai in now a part of CLAT [Common Law Admission Test]
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