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Students Grievance Redressal Committee

The University has established a Students Grievance Redressal Committee with the following members

1. Dr. Tanaya Kamlakar — Chairperson

Nomination of Members - Students Grievance Redressal Committee ----------------------- Click Here

The Committee entertains wide variety of the grievances of the registered students. Further in consonance with the UGC directions, the cell also entertains the grievances related to examination and other academic activities arising due to the pandemic.

i. The main objective of the Grievance Redressal Committee is to develop a responsible and receptive attitude among all the stakeholders so that a harmonious educational atmosphere is maintained in the University.

ii. The Grievance Redressal Committee is constituted for the fair redressal of the problems reported by students with the aim and objective of ensuring strife free atmosphere in the University by encouraging cordial student –teacher-administration relationship and student-student relationship etc.

iii. To encourage the students to express their problems / grievances frankly and freely and without any fear of being victimized.

The grievances can be addressed to the Chairperson by the registered

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