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Centre for Research in Intellectual Property (CRIP):

About the Centre

The Centre for Research in Intellectual Property (CRIP) is the focus of Intellectual Property research at the Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai. The main objective of the Centre is to lead research and promote well-informed interdisciplinary work in the area of intellectual property law, policy and practice through rigorous academic research, the presence of high-quality researchers and conducting seminars, workshops and conferences. The Centre aims to bring together a group of legal academics, policymakers and industrial experts already recognised for their historical and inter-disciplinary vigour. Through its activities, the centre aims to promote the understanding and critical appraisal of the important fields of IP law.

Aims and Objectives:

The development of Intellectual Property law has resulted in forging new IP subject matters and novel issues thereby putting pressure on practitioners to specialise in narrow fields of the discipline. Thus the Centre aims to streamline the process of learning of IP law and policy through academic courses and programs. The Centre also focuses on research on industry- academia mutual relationship and cooperation as well as identify the knowledge gaps between academia and industries in effective technology sharing/joint research etc. Other objectives of the Centre are;

  1. To provide a platform for discussion, deliberation and debate in the field of IP Laws and familiarize all stakeholders with the importance of IP literacy.
  2. To carry out academic research and study to suggest improvements in legislation and government policies through academic and industrial consultations.
  3. To carry out research activities in the field of IP laws, in collaboration with national and international stakeholders, such as corporate companies, law firms, governmental departments, PSUs, judicial institutions and educational institutes, etc.
  4. To conduct various training programs and outreach activities through collaborating with top-tier institutes across the world by organizing specialised masters’ course, short-term and long-term certificate course, diplomas, seminars and conferences for the benefit of students, academicians and practitioners.
  5. To assist in terms of legal research and advice the government on various national and international laws governing IP ecosystem; the full range of substantive IP topics; practice-related matters such as litigation, enforcement, drafting and transaction; and relevant aspects of related subjects.
  6. To offer evidence-based research results including policy papers, working papers, research reports to academia, policymakers, private sector as well as the general public on a pro bono or sponsorship basis.
  7. To publish a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to intellectual property law and practice.

Areas of Research:

Patent law, Trademark law, Domain names and cyber regulations, Personality rights, Copyright law, Design protection, Utility Models, Science and Technology, Non-traditional forms of intellectual property rights, etc.

Latest Updates

Report of the Activities conducted by DPIIT IPR Chair, MNLU Mumbai and Centre for Research in IP, MNLU Mumbai - Dec. 2020 to Mar. 2021

Interim Report of the Activities conducted by DPIIT IPR Chair, MNLU Mumbai and Centre for Research in IP, MNLU Mumbai - Apr. 2021 to Sept. 2021

Centre Co-ordinator:

Sajid Sheikh, Assistant Professor of Law, MNLU Mumbai;